BHM Capital launches Fixed Income Division

United Arab Emirates, Dubai, April 29, 2024:


BHM Capital, a leading financial institution in the capital markets of the United Arab Emirates, listed on the Dubai Financial Market, is pleased to announce the launch of the Fixed Income Division, this dedicated department, with over 75 years of collective experience, aims to enhance BHM Capital’s position in local and regional financial markets. The fixed income desk will be an active proprietary market-maker of global credit instruments, both conventional and sharia compliant with primary focus on the MENA region.


“The launch of Fixed Income is part of our efforts to develop a suite of services that meet our clients’ needs, providing them with superior liquidity, pricing, and execution across regional and global financial markets” Abdel Hadi Al Sa’di, CEO of BHM Capital, stated when emphasizing the strategic importance of the Fixed Income desk. “With interest rates likely to decline in the coming months, right now is likely to be a good entry point for investors in the Fixed Income space with some compelling opportunities out there.”


Al Sa’di added, “One of the key advantages of the service is its ability to diversify an investor’s portfolio, thereby reducing overall risk. This stability of income sets it apart from other types of investments, making it an attractive option for those seeking a secure investment avenue, which is accessible to both individual and institutional investors, making it inclusive and accommodating to a diverse range of investment needs and preferences.”


He concluded, “The buildout of the Fixed Income Desk by BHM Capital arrives in the context of rapidly expanding debt capital markets in the GCC region, with a significant increase in the weighting of GCC bonds and sukuk in widely followed global fixed-income indices. With close to $600 bln outstanding across conventional bonds and sukuk from GCC issuers, $180 bln of which are from UAE issuers, it is expected that regional capital markets will receive increasing allocation from global fixed-income investors.”




About BHM Capital Financial Services:

BHM Capital is a leading private joint stock company listed in the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and regulated by the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority providing services to individual and corporate investors. Since its establishment, it has been one of the top-ranked firms in the country’s financial markets and a pioneer in financial technology, making it a regional leader in providing essential tools for corporate and individual clients.

BHM Capital Is a subsidiary of EIH Ethmar International Holding PJSC.


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